Friday, May 13, 2011


…to Rep. Adam Smith (WA-9), who says in a statement...
"I have decided not to go to Langley to view the bin Laden photographs myself at CIA Headquarters. I support the President’s decision not to release the photographs. These images are not necessary to confirm that the mission to eliminate bin Laden was a success.”
The right decision for the right reasons. Applause from here, Congressman!
This is reposted from Thursday, Blogger's hiccup seeming to have lost it and Michael Moore post. Since then, I've heard of people seeing the photos and saying they should be released and people seeing the photos and saying they shouldn't. I haven't heard anyone else taking Smith's principled stand - refusing the invitation to see them, endorsing the decision to withhold them and denying the conspiratorial claims that seeing them is somehow necessary.

The ovation continues, standing now...

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