Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm off to the perfect tavern to pour shots and champagne for the New Years revelers and won't be back 'til next year, so I'd better get my last holiday of 2010 wishes in now.

If you're out and about tonight, be safe. You won't have a better year next year if you start it with a DUI or worse tonight. If you've got nowhere else to be and you're anywhere near the Richmond Beach neighborhood of Shoreline, drop by The Cabin and say howdy. Be sure to mention that you're a friend of the blog to the guy with the bow tie and tux shirt (that would be me) and you may find your New Year's tab lightened by the price of a drink.

However you celebrate, or however you don't, best wishes from The Brilliant and Beautiful Bride of Upper Left and myself. It's not been our best year, but y'all made it a better one than it might heve been and we're truly grateful.

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Blogger JustJoeP said...

so is there a hangover today?

9:46 AM  
Blogger Demeur said...

Should have popped in for a howdy as I'm just up the road but as I make it a habit of avoiding the amateurs and don't drink myself I'll just wish you and yours a fine New Year.

2:20 PM  

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