Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Fundamentally Strong report.

"I think the fundamentals of the U.S. economy are very strong."

John McCain

Via Thom Hartmann...

45 million people with no health care and 16 million underinsured in America.

According to Ted Kennedy “We have 36 million Americans that are going to bed hungry every night. 36 million Americans! And 12 million of those are children!” in America.

In the first six months of this year, a total of 438,000 jobs have been lost, bringing unemployment to 5.5% in America.

Melting polar ice hits ‘tipping point,’ nears record loss in America.

The national average gas price is $4.09, up 33% from this time last year . Gas prices are now expected to hit “$4.25 by the fall and then stay at more than $4 a gallon until the end of 2009” in America.

U.S. food prices rose 4 percent in 2007 making it the fastest rise in 17 years in America.

The value of the dollar is declining: The dollar “has been declining steadily for six years against other major currencies, undercutting its role as the leading international banking currency” in America.

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