Monday, March 10, 2008

Permission granted.

If you're a Washington State Democrat starting to wonder about that caucus day decision for Hillary, but got elected as a precinct delegate and feel some kind of obligation because of your "pledge," set your worries aside. The candidate has released you...
“There are elected delegates, caucus delegates and superdelegates, all for different reasons, and they’re all equal in their ability to cast their vote for whomever they choose. Even elected and caucus delegates are not required to stay with whomever they are pledged to.”
She's right, you know. If you've begun to have doubts about a candidate who will smear her opponent, trash the Party, challenge the rules in the middle of the game and tout the Republican nominee's qualifications, you can march proudly into your Legislative District caucus and sign in for Barack. There's no rule against it, no penalty for doing it.

And Hillary, it seems, endorses it.

I, naturally, encourage it.

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