Wednesday, February 20, 2008

From the "Those who forget history" file.

Jay Stevens quotes Krugman on the potential for an Obama backlash. Krugman concludes…
I hope I'm just a cynical baby boomer who has never really trusted any politician since 1968. But I just have a very bad feeling about the way things are going. which Jay resonds…
Get it? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge! 1968! That's the year of...hold on, here...George McGovern!
Except, of course, it isn't. Well, kind of, I suppose. McGovern did try to rally some RFK delegates at the convention, but after the tragedy in California, the fight was between McCarthy and Humphrey, and Humphrey won. George McGovern was a footnote in the '68 race. Jay's right. If 1968 is the topical year...
...the McGovern analogy is ridiculously wrong.
…but not for the reason he thinks.

Senator McGovern, by the way, deserves better from the left bank of blogtopia than the dissemination of the old Republican canard that his nomination represented a radical shift to the left and that his defeat was the inevitable result. 1972 was a lot more complicated than that.

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