Monday, January 07, 2008


Matt Yglesias
I wouldn't be surprised if this inane "Clinton crying" pseudo-story winds up redounding to her benefit; it's a stark reminder of how much sexist BS there is out there which, in turn, gets people back to thinking about how the first woman president in American history would be a pretty damn transformative event all on its own terms.
Me neither.

Early reports of Edwards' comments on the episode are, I agree, disappointing on the surface, but I think it's largely the clumsiness of impromptu comments on breaking developments (something no pol should ever be caught doing, and all of them do. One reason I'm not in the consulting biz anymore, in fact. Bar customers are easier to manage), providing grounds unseemly - and unintended - inferences. The passage of time may provide more light.

But the notion that this is news is, indeed, sexist BS.

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