Saturday, August 18, 2007

Good question…

…from Dave Johnson.
Why should we expect our politicians to do what's right when all that happens when they do is they get beat up (first by other Dems), lied about, smeared, humiliated, destroyed, go broke, etc...
And a very good point.
And here is a huge difference between the right and us -- they are reaching the public-at-large with their message and we are not.
It's worth keeping in mind that when Democrats like the Blue Dogs jump ship in the way routinely condemned in blogtopia as "spineless," they're doing so because it's exactly what their constituency, which expects to be, well, represented by their Representatives, expects of them.

Until we change the expectations, we're not likely to get anything but what we've got, though losing what we have could jeopardize our Congressional majorities. Of course, being liberals and having values and all that, we're bound change those through education rather than the simple, and disturbingly effective, deceit that our opponents practice.

There are, no doubt, some constituencies more progressive than their elected officials. There may be the occasional productive struggle in those precincts. There are doubtless some where the officials are ahead of there voters, and it's important that they're given the support they need to bring their voters home in the fall.

Happily, I can stay closer to home and support a true-blue Democrat from the Democratic wing of the Democtatic Party.

Yep, Darcy.

And my own personal Congressman, of course.

Did I mention they're both on the Upper Left ActBlue page?

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