Sunday, April 08, 2007

His Obama problem…

…is pretty much mine, too. Neil the Ethical Werewolf writes
I remember when I was reading an article on top Obama consultant David Axelrod, and I saw this bit of rhetoric:
Obama's central theme was the promise of the future, of himself: "Let's be the generation," he said over and over again, that meets the big challenges of the day - poverty, energy independence, the environment. "What's stopped us from meeting these challenges," he said, "is the failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics."
And I thought, "what a piece of garbage". What's stopped us from meeting these challenges isn't anything Broderesque like the smallness of politics or the failure of leadership. It's the Republican Party. Give Democrats the Presidency and filibuster-proof majorities, and you'll see action on all these major challenges.
Damn straight.

One side or the other, Senator.

Without apology.


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