From the "saying more than he meant" file…
The Blue State has a snippet from Fox News Sunday (emphasis found)...
WALLACE: "..aren't Democrats perfectly entitled to say we shouldn't be sending more troops after the ones that are already there?"Newt pretty well covers the entire problem with Republican governance, at least on the Congressional level. In fact, individual members of Congress, from either chamber, may offer advice endlessly, and many do. For the Congress itself, though, as an institution, to offer advice, there is only one available avenue. It's called legislation. That's why, I suppose, it's called the Legislative branch of our government.
GINGRICH: "There's a different — look, I can offer advice. The Senate can offer advice. Any American can offer advice. There's a difference between offering advice, which I think we should do, and legislating."
The Republican approach? Advise, sure. And attack, debate, demand, deride. Anything but legislate, though that's not only what they should do, it's exactly and only what they're congregated to do.
They want to be in charge and they don't even know what they're job is, or how to begin to get it done.
No doubt,

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