Sunday, October 08, 2006

While I was watching some game or another...

...RCCC Chair Tom Reynolds ducked a face-off with his Democratic counterpart, Rahm Emanuel, this morning, and Rep. Adam Putnam was sent up for a cup of Sunday morning big league coffee. It turned out as you'd expect when a second stringer lines up against an all-star. Crooks & Liars has it all (and video links) but here's some of the best stuff from Rahm.
On the Republican leadership scandal…
What we know now, as you just said, is as far back as 2002, 2003, there were warning signs, and there were multiple conversations.

And what happened since that time? Mark Foley runs for Congress in 2004 even while they know there was problems.

2005, gets appointed to head the Missing and Abused Children Caucus for the Congress.

When he wants to retire, they ask him to run for reelection in 2006, even knowing, clearly, that there's something amiss and wrong here.

And the whole — the whole point here, let's just take one analogy. If a high school teacher was found doing this with a child, and the principal knew and not only said to the teacher, we're going to renew your contract, the community and parents would have that principal and teacher out.
...and the GOP record of failure (exceeded, perhaps, only by their record of disgrace)...
You promised to clean up this swamp, and you've created a deeper set of swamps around here. At every point that you promised to do something in 1994 with your Contract with America, you're in a breach of contract. And the fact is that this election, the American people know full well, Adam, that they do not want to stay on the course that you've set for this country. They want a new direction. They want a
Rah, rah Rahm!


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