Sunday, October 22, 2006

The emergence of Darcy

Jim Vesely believes he understands East Side politics--and he probably did 10 years ago. Both politics and the East Side have changed substantially since then.

Will Democrats let go of the 8th CD if Reichert wins a second term? way...not gonna happen. Goldy hits the nail on the head.
If Reichert wins, the Democrats will not go away, because people like me won’t let them.

If Reichert wins, we will collectively take a deep breath, analyze the results, and then immediately set out to recruit a netroots candidate for 2008.
Darcy's candidacy was brought into the national spotlight as a bottom-up effort by the grassroots and the netroots. We will do the same thing in 2008 if need be.

But let's keep this a purely theoretical question. You can help by putting your plastic to work or volunteering your time.


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