Thursday, September 07, 2006

America sez…

…heckuvu job, Georgie.
I spend most of my time thinking about how to protect the American people in what is a dangerous world.

The Preznit.

NYT/CBS News Poll
As a result of U.S. military action against Afghanistan, do you think the threat of terrorism against the United States has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?
Increased: 35%
Decreased: 16%
Stayed About the Same: 46%

As a result of the United States' military action against Iraq, do you think the threat of terrorism against the United States has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?
Increased: 48%
Decreased: 12%
Stayed About the Same: 39%

Right now, is the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan creating more terrorists who are planning to attack the U.S., eliminating terrorists who were planning to attack the U.S., or is the U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan not affecting the number of terrorists planning to attack the U.S.?
Creating Terrorists: 54%
Eliminating Terrorists: 15%
Not Effecting Number: 24%
Stop thinking, George. You're hurting the country.

Hat tip to Holden, who has more encouraging results.


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