And the tally begins…
I'm inclined to be tolerant of Democratic Senators expressing support for Joe Lieberman in the primary, and I can understand, to a degree, the reluctance of most of them to come out against a colleague who they may see on the floor tomorrow, and whose vote the may be counting on in the immediate future. It's a situation not without complications. I think silence on the Lieberman question, pre- or post-primary, should be taken as a sufficient response for the time being.
That being said, I think an early commitment to support the Democratic nominee, whoever it may be, deserves praise, and any who make a commitment to stick with Joe regardless deserve a measure of condemnation. The list for either category is currently pretty short. Kos has it...
On the right side:A gold star, I suppose, to Feingold for staying out of the primary altogether (Hillary's endorsed Joe over Ned Lamont).
Hillary Clinton
Russ Feingold
On the wrong side:
Ken Salazar
Elsewhere, Atrios reminds us that "opposition to Lieberman isn't just about the Iraq war" and offers a catalog of good reasons to dump Joe, noting that there's "No need to choose just one."
Joe's right about one thing, though, I suppose. Being one of those "blogger types," this is pretty much all the reason I need…

Update: Folks seem to be checking in. Here's the latest from Kos:
Those who would support the Democratic nomineeNice to see that Kerry fella up there...
Hillary Clinton
Howard Dean
Russ Feingold
John Kerry
Bob Menendez
Those who would support a Lieberman independent bid
Ben Nelson
Ken Salazar
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