Monday, June 19, 2006

Someone remind me…

…why should I be excited about this guy?
GORE: "I am not involved. I typically do not get involved in Democratic primaries. Joe is my close friend, Joe & Hadassah are close to Tipper and me and it would be very difficult for me to ever oppose him. But I don't get involved in primaries typically. He's a great guy and he's right on a lot of other issues."
Of course, the last time Joe Lieberman was in a primary race Al Gore rather famously, if atypically, opposed him. How'd that work out?

As I've said, the movie's probably great, if not really groundbreaking. I'm glad Al's got a productive way to spend his time. His aptitude for character judgement, though? Seriously in doubt. And those "other issues"? Yeah, I used to say that, too.

It's not the issues, though, that have put so many Democrats off Holy Joe. It's the persistence of images like this…

…and, of course, the continued threat that Joe will bolt the Party if the voters displease him.

When Al Gore's talking about Joe Lieberman, the topic shouldn't be endorsements or issues, it should be an apology long overdue for elevating the sanctimonious little squeaky toy in the first place.

Update: On reflection, that sounds a bit grumpy, doesn't it? Here, then, for the sake of ending on a positive note.
Ned Lamont


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