Thursday, April 13, 2006

Never saw the Sun shining so bright…

…never saw things going so right.

I'm an eternal optimist, of course, but Eli sounds a little glum over at Slog over the news that the WaPo has judged Darcy Burner's campaign to be 'third tier' candidate, designating WA-08 as a race in a swing district "where Democrats should have recruited stronger candidates."

Oh my.

I can only hope that all of our weaker third tier candidates managed to organize a campaign that cleared the decks (and secured the endorsements) of multiple potential primary challengers and secured the early endorsement of their state's entire Democratic Congressional delegation while attracting the attention of national Party leaders and out fundraising their Republican opponent by 100% or so in Q1.

Sheesh, what are the strong candidates up to? And how big might our majority become?

Of course, it's not over til it's over, and meanwhile Darcy still needs a little more of your money. C'mon, don't mourn, donate!


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