I'm a couple days late on this one…
…but it's an important issue in these parts, and lots of those parts, too. From The P-I...
(Superior Court Judge Michael) Spearman ruled Monday that the state's requirement that released felons pay all court-ordered fines and fees before they can vote again violates the equal-protection clauses in the U.S. Constitution and the state constitution.Judge Spearman is right. He's right that "It is well recognized that there is simply no rational relationship between the ability to pay and the exercise of constitutional rights," and he's right in setting a bright line for voting rights - no ballots in jail - that provides a common sense solution to one of the controversies plaguing our voting system.
Naturally, our Republican Attorney General and our Republican Secretary of State are challenging the ruling, arguing the state's right to maintain a confusing, antiquated and likely unconstitutional regulation.
They're going to do that in the name of The People Of The State Of Washington.
Not this one.
Never believe those down ballot races don't matter, or that partisanship isn't so important for some officials .
Vote a straight ticket and never give an inch.

Hat tip to Goldy.
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