Damn, it's nice to win one sometimes.
WASHINGTON Dec 16, 2005 — The Senate on Friday rejected attempts to reauthorize several provisions of the USA Patriot Act as infringing too much on Americans' privacy and liberty, dealing a huge defeat to the Bush administration and Republican leaders.While I'm celebrating, I admit that I may be too tough on my Party sometimes. Perhaps the Democratic commitment to liberty is stronger than I often suspect. There was near unanimity among Democrats (including, I'm proud to say, the upper left team of Cantwell and Murray).
In a crucial vote early Friday, the bill's Senate supporters were not able to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a threatened filibuster by Sens. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., and Larry Craig, R-Idaho, and their allies. The final vote was 52-47.
Four Republicans were willing to stand between the Bush administration and the Constitution, with Bill Frist casting a fifth GOP 'nay' in order to allow him to call for a possible reconsideration. The fact is, though, that the Democrats stood so tall and held together so strong that we could have done it without them.
So thanks anyway to Senators Craig, Hagel, Murkowski and Sununu.
But we don't need you, so it's still true…

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