Commie Girl is actually commenting on local (OC, CA, for her) matters, but there's a universal involved.
But it’s not the conservatism that bothers me: principled stands of any kind are a-okay with me. It’s the nastiness. The nattering classes I’d thought were fringy were in fact the opinion makers.Some of my best friends self-identify as Republicans. Really. That's been true through all the shifting circles of friends that come from five and a half or so decades of life. One of the reasons I like them is that they care enough to take a stand, even a wrong one.
But they're friendly, not nasty. And mostly conservative types who have nothing in common with the destructionist crew in power today.
The worst of the lot - Commie Girl's 'fringies' - are in charge, more the worse for all of us, Democrat and Republican alike.
Time for the R's to reset their political, ethical and moral compasses. Meanwhile,

Hat tip to Atrios.
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