Soft-hearted peacenik?

MCCAIN: I think he has become too emotional and understandably so. He goes to funerals. He goes, as many of us do, out to Walter Reed, and he sees the price of war. And I think that that has had some effect on him…Except that somewhere along the path he followed from buck private to bird colonel in the United States Marine Corps, Jack Murtha saw the price of war first hand. In fact, his twin Purple Hearts are evidence to most of us who have been there that Jack Murtha made his own substantial payment toward the price of war.
John McCain may be pursuing a subtle course of swiftboating Rep. Murtha, but it's swiftboating just the same.
And what can you say about a man who visits wounded soldiers at Walter Reed and is apparently unaffected by the experience? Maybe he's just emotionally drained from overexposure to his favorite fella…

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