Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A snippet…

…via Atrios.

DOBBS: Wait a minute. Senator, you can't say that. Congressman Tom DeLay says that this is the most efficient government he can imagine, that there's no fat in this government.

COBURN: Well, I talked with him today about that quote and that was not his quote. And you know ...

DOBBS: Whose was it? Whose was it, Senator?

COBURN: I'm worried -- I'm very -- well, I think -- it might have been manufactured. I'm not sure. The fact is, is we -- I know of $100 billion in cuts that we could make tomorrow that nobody would feel. Nobody would feel. And ...
Dr. Black concentrates on Coburn's attack on the Moonie Times. Hateful though Coburn may be, this doesn't seem to be a case where my enemy's enemy is my friend, so I won't leap to the defense of either the Washington Times' journalistic ethics or the Senator's integrity. Neither are defensible.

I am left wondering, though, how the Republican government, which preaches conservatism, could have left $100 billion dollars of fat that nobody apparently wants or needs (that's what I assume is meant by 'Nobody would feel.') in a budget after five years of full control of both Congress and the White House.

Maybe it's because the don't practice what they preach, because the destructionists have driven the conservatives out of power in the Republican Party.

Or maybe he's just admitting that his party is as incompetent as some of us have been saying all along.

Either way, it's one more bit of evidence...


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