Lest we forget…
…the folks on the other front, The New York Times files from Afghanistan…
Four soldiers were killed Sunday, meaning that 13 have been killed in August alone. Sixty-five Americans have been killed this year.Roadside bomb, huh? Where have I heard that before?****
The latest four were killed when a roadside bomb hit their vehicle in the south….
Oh, yeah, in the other country where foreign fighters are crossing porous borders for the chance to kill Americans by any means available. And like that other country, things have been getting worse. Over a third of all US fatalities on the Afghan front since 2001 have occurred this year.
The decision of our civilian leadership to send under-gunned and under-manned troops into multiple fronts with shifting missions has cost us thousands of American lives, for which we've traded a bountiful opium harvest and a new Islamic republic.
Who's running this mess?
Oh, yeah, another reminder...

Hat tip to Scott Jones at Thought Mechanics.
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