Speaking of ginned up controversies…
John Edwards ties the wagging tongues in knots, coming out with a strong statement contradicting the notion that he's distancing himself from Chairman Dean...
...all Democrats and all working people - should be complaining, criticizing, and generally speaking out about this critical failure of the Republican party and offering our positive vision for America. And we have.Edwards said that Howard Dean is not the spokesman for the Democratic Party. That's true enough. It's also true that Dean is a spokesman for the Party (if not always among our most, ahem, judicious). Edwards, too, as a veteran of our national ticket, is a spokesman. So, for that matter, am I, as a Party officer and a rank and file activist.
Howard and I have been saying the same thing about this for years. Hear that? The same thing. For years. (my emphasis)
There are a lot of spokesmen, a lot of voices in the Democratic choir. We each have our own part, our own set of notes, but in the end, we're all singing from the same page and the lyrics are very clear. Sing along...

Hat tip to Kicking Ass
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