Friday, June 24, 2005

After he promised…

…to bring the Downing Street memo to the attention of the US Senate, that Kerry fella got a little heat from some folks who wondered, fairly perhaps, if a bit impatiently, what was taking so long. Today we got the answer when he released a letter to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence calling for an investigation into questions raised by the memo. The delay, apparently, came while he distributed the message among his Democratic colleagues, an effort which added 9 signatures, and raises some even better questions, posed by Salon...
...There are 44 Democrats in the Senate, and Kerry circulated a draft of his letter to the whole lot of them two weeks ago. In the end, he was able to persuade just nine of his colleagues to sign on: Jon Corzine, Tim Johnson, Frank Lautenberg, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, Tom Harkin, Jack Reed, Jeff Bingaman and Dick Durbin.

Where are you, Harry Reid? Any reason you didn't sign, Sen. Clinton? And while we wouldn't expect to see a signature from someone like Joe Lieberman on this letter, why don't we see your name there, Sen. Obama?
There's a debate in our Party about the wisdom of nominating US Senators for President, since we've had little success doing so in recent elections. There shouldn't be any debate on this point, IMO - any Senator seeking our nomination should be a signatory to the Kerry letter. For a Democrat, it's as basic as, say, supporting an anti-lynching resolution should be for everyone.


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