Saturday, May 28, 2005

Goldy wraps up the week…

…in Wenatchee, and in the process tells us not only what's wrong with the GOP case, but the GOP in a much broader sense…
The GOP spent good money on good attorneys, and you can be sure that going into their opening arguments they had a pretty good understanding that this was a lost cause. But they decided to drag the state through it anyway (and I’m guessing again, in the inevitable Supreme Court appeal), simply because they believe they can use this as a forum for scoring political points in the court of public opinion.

That may be true, and that may constitute shrewd political strategy. But it is fundamentally dishonest, shows great disrespect for the law and the courts, is counter to the very purpose of the contest statute, and in the long term, may be very harmful to our democracy.
"…fundamentally dishonest…" "...direspect for the law and the courts…" "…very harmful to our democracy…"

Tells you about all you need to know about the destructionist mob running the Republican Party these days…


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