Decisions, decisions...
I struggled a bit over whether this one deserved notice as the Scandal Scorecard point of the week. While it's sometimes disappointing to have to settle for something that merely 'demands investigation,' and a big juicy actual indictment is always a tempting, and usually an irresistable, target, I had some doubts about laying the Larry Franklin case at the feet of Bushco.
After all, Franklin's a career guy, who made the transition from Carter to Reagan, from Reagan to Bush I, from Bush I to Carter, decades of federal service. Still, it wasn't until Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith set up shop at DoD that Franklin's career took such a sharp wrong turn. You have to wonder, don't you, about the climate change that inspired this career defense analyst, a senior officer in the Air Force Reserve, after a lifetime devoted to the security interests of the United States, to deliberately compromise that very security.
Steve at Distance really tipped the decision. He's been following the story since it broke last summer, and offers links to his findings along the way. Steve's hardly given to wild speculation or conspiracy theory, so when he seems to find a pretty strong line from Franklin to a wider investigation that could draw in Wolfie and Feith, I pay attention, and the Larry Franklin bust makes the

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