Friday, January 28, 2005

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Bush?

The Shadow President knows...probably better than any of us.

A tip of the cap to Ralph Dratman at for maintaining a page listing over 300 anti-Gonzales bloggers, and especially for a pointer to this post by Athenae at First Draft. Noting John Kerry's fact-finding trip to Iraq and other post-election initiatives and activities, she wisely notes...
For too long we've treated our former candidates as if they have diseases. We've ignored the contributions they could have made if we'd kept them in the fold and acted very ashamed of our losses like good little Republican-dominated submissives.


...instead of deciding it's finally time to "say it," and bash (Kerry), we might continue to display a little of the progressive unity we were so busy patting ourselves on the backs for just a few months ago, and say hey, regardless of what happened at the ballot box, this is a good man, doing good things, and that's the kind of Democrat we need.
It may be a bit premature for talk of Kerry '08 - even Kerry admits that - but that's no reason to let time slip by without joining in his campaign for children's health care or signing his petition calling for Rumsfeld's removal. Every thing we did last year is only for naught if we fail to do everything we can this year, and if John Kerry's willing to lead, I'm still on the team.


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