Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Imagine that...

Rummy talks to the Times...
In Washington today, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked whether the battle for Falluja would continue until there was a "clear and final" victory, unlike last spring's campaign for the city.

"I cannot imagine that it would stop without being completed," Mr. Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon news briefing.
Of course, Mr. Rumsfeld's failure of imagination is somewhat legendary.

There was Abu Grahib...
Rumsfeld said that he "could not imagine" that any officer would approve of the abuse.
...and administration honesty...
Q: Mr. Secretary, if I could just follow up, will there be any circumstances, as you prosecute this campaign, in which anyone in the Department of Defense will be authorized to lie to the news media in order to increase the chances of success of a military operation or gain some other advantage over your adversaries?

...The answer to your question is, no, I cannot imagine a situation. I don't recall that I've ever lied to the press...
...and, of course, the draft.
So I'm -- and I would add, just on the other subject you mentioned, I can't imagine our country going back to a draft.
Some stuff he's pretty sure of, though...
"I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that,"
Have I mentioned that it's way past time for this guy to go?

It's still true...


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