Thank you, Mr. Wolcott.
As a proud member of the 'For Kerry Before Iowa' club, one of my greatest frustrations has been the big media drumbeat over Kerry's lack of popularity among the Democratic base, supposedly based in some lack of personal charisma.
As the primaries moved forward and Kerry virtually swept the board, gaining victory after victory, they created the notion of 'electability.' Why was John Kerry the overwhelming choice of rank and file Democrats from coast to coast? Why, because he was considered more 'electable' than the other contenders.
But why was that, do you suppose? As many of us knew, but the media wouldn't say, the reason so many people thought that John Kerry was the most electable Democrat was because so many people thought he had the personal experience and qualities that made him the best equipped candidate to become President, and many of them made that decision, back in those heady days of retail politics, on the basis of personal experience with him at rallies, town hall meetings, coffee shops and other gatherings where they were able to size him up while making their decision.
The fact is, the reason so many people supported him was in no small part because so many people liked him. Even more do now. But the punditocracy can't seem to move beyond their original portrayal.
So kudo's to James Wolcott, who calls a pair of the worst offenders on their nonsense today...
First of all, how does Fineman know the crowds aren't pumped up for Kerry? Did he attend these rallies? Did he ask anyone? No, he's assuming, as most of the media elite do, that no one could possibly be "up" for a Kerry event because the media narrative is that Kerry is a stiff hunk of bark.I think John Kerry is the best qualified candidate for President I've had the opportunity to vote for in the 30+ years I've been voting. He'll be the first one in virtually forever I can truly say that I would willingly follow in combat. I honestly can't think of anything I want from a President that he doesn't bring to the Presidency.
As reflected in Adam Nagorney telling Charlie Rose that heck he has more charisma than poor Kerry.
Really, Adam? You think you could hold the interest of 12,000 people, as Kerry did at a recent rally in Reno, Nevada?
And I'm hardly the only one. We are legion.
And you know what? We like him.

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