Happy Halloween!

The Upper Left Department of Front Porch Security is gearing up. We've assembled a formidable arsenal of Snickers and peanut butter cups, hung up the spiders and spooky lights and the eerie sound effects should be in place well before the invasion.
I love Halloween. The more kids the better. I'm very grateful for one night of big fun, but very mindful that it's just the lead in to two days of hard work.
It's down to the final hours now, and frankly I don't thing there's any new information that's going to move any voters. It's all about person to person efforts, and every person is essential.
There are a lot of ways to get in the game. When all else fails, this is a game you can just put yourself into. Zephyr Teachout has some solid advice...
(1) Volunteer with a voter mobilization group. One of the best is American Coming Together. Go to www.acthere.com to learn more. As a volunteer, you'll have opportunities to canvass, phone bank, and pass out literature....and remember...
(2) Print out posters from www.udecide.org and pass them out.
(3) Take a sheet of paper and spend 20 minutes writing down names of all the people you know in swing states. Call them. Tell them to find their polling place here: www.pollingplacelocation.com.
(4) Create your own 8 hour GOTV plan for the last 48 hours.
Here's how you do it:
a. On Monday, spend two hours making plans. Call and email people you know who might want to work with you, and sign them up for these responsibilities for your dorm or street:i. Literature drop captain(s) (to pass out information at doorsteps)b. On Tuesday, meet first thing (in person or on the phone) with all the people who have agreed to help.
ii. Polling place captain(s) (to pass out information near polling places)
iii. Visibility captain(s) (to put up signs)i. 8 A.M. Literature drop. Go to every dorm room and house where your friends live and drop off a reminder to vote for change, with accurate polling location info and a partisan candidate comparison. Include a map with written directions on the back. Use posters at www.udecide.com. The literature drop captain will be responsible for making copies and getting others to help distribute.
ii. 10 AM – 11 AM Call 10 people you know to remind them to vote.
iii. 12 PM Email everyone you know (text message and IM are good, too!). Include a reminder to vote, where to vote, and who to contact in case of a problem: 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
iv. Throughout the Day. Find people willing to stand near the polls and pass out literature. More is always better, so don't worry if others are there too – you can coordinate when you meet them!
v. Throughout the Day. Find people willing to poster signs about where the polls are, when and where and why they should vote.

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