Wednesday, September 29, 2004

...where credit is due.

As someone who has long appreciated the work of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's ace political reporter Joel Connelly, I'd like to join in with all those from hither and yon who are lauding him for uncovering Dick Cheney's flip-flop on the wisdom of invading Iraq.

I'd like to, but...

I blogged a damning quote from Cheney's 1992 speech for the Dicovery Insitute last Saturday, having lifted it from a longer excerpt offered by Oliver Willis the day before. I don't know where Oliver got it. Maybe from Will Bunch of Campaign Extra! who ran his first report on the speech back in January '03.

Kudos to Joel for expanding the audience for the story, but how 'bout a little love for the blogosphere on this one, huh?

(Of course, due credit should go to the uber-blogger for giving the same to another blogger...)


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