Saturday, September 11, 2004


Sisyphus Shrugged nails the New York Times for sloppy sourcing. A qick check with Open Secrets turned up the goods on "nominal Republican" William Blair III, the Times' supposedly independent source for today's round of Kerry-bashing.
"With all he's got going for him, it's hard to believe Kerry is stumbling so badly here," said William P. Blair III, a Canton lawyer and lobbyist, a former Democrat and nominal Republican who now describes himself as an independent of sorts.
Let's see how independent and nominal Mr. Blair is.

1992-4: $250 to one Democrat, $700 to two Republicans

1996-8: $250 to a Democrat, $500 to a Republican

2000-4: $10,375 to Republican Leadership PACs, $2500 to the Republican Party of Stark County, $5,350 to individual Republican candidates, $500 to Dennis Kucinich in 1992.
So, are we to believe that the New York Times can't muster the investigative power of a freelance lefty blogger?


But bravo for jmhm...


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