Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Bush just lies...

...and more and more people are starting to notice. Even 'serious news reporters.'
Juan Coleoffers an example...
Serious news reporters who have gone back over the record find that Bush's charge is without merit, and that Kerry has been consistent on his Iraq position.
It's true that there are plenty of folks on both sides of the political fence that disagree with Kerry's position, although for differing reasons, but serious people who pay serious attention will find it coherent and consistent. That's a point that needs to be driven home again and again, and the proof is getting wider and wider circulation.

The best response to the frivolous 'flip-flop' charge is simple.

Bush just lies.

(Juan also provides one of the most amusing moments in the blogosphere today when he writes "It is indisputable that the Iraq situation is Fouled Up Beyond Repair, or FUBAR."

"Fouled Up Beyond Repair."


Academics are so cute...)


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