"I'm John Kerry...

...and I'm reporting for duty."
Welcome aboard, Sir!
'Don't Panic' has been a recurring theme here at Upper Left, and it's been focused on the fact that every time John Kerry has needed to produce a persuasive argument, impressive result or inspiring performance, he's come through. No matter how pervasive or persistent the naysayers have been, no matter how bleak the prospects have sometimes appeared, since I started this blog up last fall I've kept the faith and encouraged the troops, believing that John Kerry would come through again, and I haven't been disappointed.
In his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, he came through again. Simply put, four years ago Al Gore ran for President as the candidate of Bill Clinton's Democratic Party. Tonight, the title was transferred. John Kerry is the undisputed leader of the Party, and he's on his way to becoming one of our greatest presidents.

We have such a fine tradition. We have such an outstanding ticket. We have such a promising future.
"It is time to reach for the next dream. It is time to look to the next horizon. For America, the hope is there. The sun is rising. Our best days are still to come."Indeed.
And it was such a great Convention!
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