Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Another 'daer tsum' from Krugman...

...in the New York Times, in which he nails Bushco's Dooh Nibor (Robin Hood in reverse) economic policies.

A salient fact
......the 257,000 taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million received a bigger combined tax cut than the 85 million taxpayers who make up the bottom 60 percent of the population.
Pointing to the tax cuts that Bush hopes to get some political advantage from, Krugman offers a great one liner.
It's as if someone expected gratitude for giving you a gift, when he actually bought it using your credit card.

One of the things that seems to get overlooked in the SCLM's declarations of economic recovery is the smoke and mirrors underpinnings of administration policy. While I'm left to wonder if they really think people are so economically stupid that they will believe that you can spend what you don't have indefinitely and call it strength, Krugman explains that people aren't that stupid at all and Bush knows it, which requires a regular diet of mis- and dis-information.
Of course, voters would never support this agenda if they understood it. That's why dishonesty — as illustrated by the administration's consistent reliance on phony accounting, and now by the business with the budget cut memo — is such a central feature of the White House political strategy.
There's more. Go see. Krugman is the indispensable voice on economics these days, and this piece is a good demonstration of why that's true.


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