Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Outrage? I'll show you some outrage...

I tuned into the Taguba testimony a little late this morning, and missed Sen. James Inhofe's (R-OK) question round, which featured this charming introduction...

"...as I watch this outrage that everyone seems to have about the treatment of these prisoners I have to say and I'm probably not the only one up at this table that is more outraged by the outrage than we are by the treatment."

He goes on, and it gets worse.

I sincerely hope that's he's wrong. I hope he's the only one "more outraged by the outrage." All I can say is that James Inhofe is a disgrace to the Senate, to the voters who elected him and to the country I once bore arms to defend.

Actually, that's not all I can say.

Jesse Lee at The Stakeholder suggests how Inhofe's rhetoric would sound coming from the other side.

Inhofe is pro-torture."

"Inhofe hates the troops, because he sees fit to scapegoat them for abuses that may well have been ordered from above."

"By being pro-torture, he supports the undermining of our troops, which these pictures, and not the criticism of these pictures has done to an unimaginable degree."

Of course, Jesse is a more reasonable soul than I. He cautions that "I am not saying any of those things, only trying to demonstrate the logic and despicability of Inhofe's remarks."

OK, fair enough. Then I'll say those things.

James Inhofe is pro-torture, hates the troops and is undermining them. He's a disgrace, and I'm ashamed that my countrymen would elevate him to any position of influence or authority.

I. am. outraged.


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