It's coming...

...and he's coming on it! The new Kerry campaign plane is winging it's way toward Seattle tonight, with JK aboard. If you're one of the lucky ticket holders for the rally at Pier 62 tomorrow, take note of this bulletin just in from WA for Kerry HQ.
Due to the tremendous response to see John Kerry tomorrow morning in Seattle, we are asking attendees to arrive at 8:00 AM to Pier 62 (Pike and Alaska) in order to make it through security in time to see and hear Senator Kerry. Please notify others you know plan to attend.If you don't have a ticket yet, there's still time. You can log in and print one out here.
I have a ticket, but aAutomotive fu and other complications may keep me away tomorrow. I'm on the guest list for a foreign policy address to an audience of veterans on Thursday, though, and promise to file a full report.
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