Wednesday, January 21, 2004

He has a little list...

...and it's not just the names of states. Before his 'red meat' speech for the (not-so) Perfect Stormers the other night, Howard Dean faced the cameras for with Chris Matthews. When Matthews wondered aloud whether the Dean emphasis on establisment endorsements might have hurt the Governor's insurgent image, Dean happily rattled of the list, and them some, inserting the name of a certain former President who quite pointedly didn't endorse him.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. My Kerry pal Tim, who operates the excellent and informative Seattle For Kerry site nails the Dean deception on his personal blog.

"Dean responded that he was happy to have the support of all of those people, he named them plus a couple more, “and especially Jimmy Carter.” Jimmy Carter did not endorse Howard Dean...Howard Dean lied to Matthews and everyone watching and nobody called him on it and it pisses me off that he gets away with crap like that. "

Ya know, it pisses me off, too.


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