Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Once again, I'm humbled...

...by the eloquence of one of my on-line compatriots. This time it's Peter Dow, writing for the official Kerry blog.

"John Kerry is a sincere and principled man, but knowing that is not enough to make a decision in an election this pivotal. There are a number of character traits that any Dem candidate must display in order to best represent the core values of the party, rewrite the language of division that splits American from American, establish civility in our political discourse, and provide a sense of comfort and security to an angry and frightened nation: Dedication, Insight, Leadership, Strength, Flexibility, Knowledge, Experience, Bravery, Wisdom and Balance.

On all counts, John Kerry shines. And he combines all the above attributes with an unassailable three-decade record of standing for core Democratic principles. John Kerry will make an outstanding Democratic nominee and an exceptional president."

Exactly so.


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