Thursday, November 13, 2003

The other news from the House Of Labor

I've heard rumors that there are more than two big unions in the AFL-CIO, although recent news might confuse some folks on that point, but it seems to be true. Yesterday, The Note quoted Teamster Government Affairs Director Mike Mathis claiming his folks still had a word or two to say about the Democratic nomination, pointing out that "We represent over 50,000 members in Iowa, which is more than SEIU-AFSCME combined, and we are going to gain more."

Today, it's the Auto Workers in the news. The UAW freed up its locals to endorse without waiting for the International, and the big midwest (including Iowa) coalition, UAW Region 4, did just that. Apparently they think they have something to say, too, and they're saying it on behalf of Dick Gephardt. News from the New York Post is that "Dean called every member of the Iowa United Auto Workers (UAW) board to try to talk them out of going for Gephardt — and the local UAW rebuffed him."

I'm really not particularly gleeful about divisions in the House Of Labor, but divisions there are - and along with Gep's long list and Dean's short list of Internationals, don't forget John Kerry's IAFF and Utility Workers endorsements. The Dean endorsements are a big deal, but they don't mean a done deal, despite the claims of some of the corporate media.


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