You know we've got to find a way...
It has been 782 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Rove. Treason. Betrayal.
A Democrat - without prefix, without suffix, without apology.
It has been 782 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Since you asked, yes, yes and yes. it hard for you to get over Maria's war-mongering, too? Or am I just being a grump? Am I under-estimating LCV's grassroots mobilization prowess?You bet it's hard to get over the vote Maria cast for the resolution Bush abused to take the country into war. I don't get it as a vote for war-mongering, though. Not in Maria's case, not in the case of all but perhaps a very few Democrats. It was sold as a vote for saber rattling, not war mongering. There's an argument against either, I suppose, but the one against saber rattling is weaker, and the argument for posing a potent threat to force Saddam to submit to full inspections is strong. In fact, the saber rattling part worked, making the war part superfluous except to the gang of thugs that comprise Bushco™ .
It has been 781 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.” at Upper Left World Headquarters, I was watching coverage of rooftop helicopter rescues on the Gulf Coast.
…to have one's endorsements supported by the facts on the ground, but it's kind of a shame it has to happen this way.
My campaign is comprehensive and involves strategies for winning the Nominating Convention, the Primary and the general. It includes direct mail, doorbelling, using influence makers and neighborhood leaders.No indication there that she found the process illegitimate, or that she would spurn the decision of the Party's representatives following the convention.
...We have planned at least 6 mailings, 2 for the Nominating Convention, 2 for the Primary and 2 for the General. (emphasis mine)
Bob Ferguson has supported allowing a convention of party activists to decide who is your next councilmember. He has even gone so far as to tout this process on his campaign materials.Two things jump immediately to mind. The first sentence is patently false. What Bob Ferguson, and Democratic Party organizations across the state, supported, and what Edmonds appeared to support when she still thought it might serve her ambitions, was allowing Democrats to select the Democratic nominee. The councilmember would still be elected by the general electorate in a general election.
It has been 780 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
I'm working on it. Really.
…and all that, so there won't be a lot happening here till the PM. I think there's some good stuff on deck though, maybe a rant about the young whippersnappers, something about the unusually early but typically dishonest piece of political hit mail that arrived in my snailbox this weekend (sadly, a D on D attack), a couple other things.
It has been 779 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
…by Motherlode at No More Apples.
I've read the arguments of many whom I respect in the blogosphere that we have to win the 2006 and 2008 elections in order to change the course of the war (and our own nation), and that we can't do that with a "dove" at the head of the ticket. I reject that as a fallacy. The trick is not to endorse the Bush mission but to change the positioning of the Democrats.The Democratic Presidential nominee in '08 will have to be someone committed to finishing the job - the job of withdrawal which should be initiated by the new Democratic Congress we must elect in 2006.
...from Steve M. at No More Mr. Niceblog.
I have to ask: If right-wingers think the Iraq War was so vitally necessary, why don't they all despise Rumsfeld? Why don't they say that we've "had to fight the war with one hand tied behind our backs" and blame him for that -- as well as the Commander in Chief who hired him and is clearly determined to keep him on, come hell or high water?Time to fire the bastard if it means driving a stake through his black, withered heart...
It has been 778 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Another one for the 'I wish I'd written that' file...
I believe that there is a less than zero possibility that George W. Bush is going to implement any sane plan to withdraw from Iraq, much less one set forth by a Democratic presidential aspirant. And I say this with the greatest assurance that I'm right for the simple reason that George W. Bush has failed on every level, at every moment, from the very beginning to do anything right on Iraq. Why in God's name would we think that he will suddenly become sane and do something different today?
…you'll be telling me there's gambling in Casablanca.
...the commander of all U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Army Maj. Gen. Jason Kamiya, says he is unaware of his troops' complaints about ineffective Pakistani border police, who sometimes appear complicit with Al Qaeda.Apparently Kamiya's figured out what happens to honest Generals under the Bush regime...
"I have not heard that - no, sir," said Kamiya, who was questioned by the Daily News during a border visit last week. "I don't know much about the Pakistani border police."
...of the randomizer. I almost edited this one a bit (I'll leave it to you to guess where), but I recall Norbizness' admonition that "Stupid songs need the most attention." Indeed they do, and around here they get, well, maybe more than their share...
Billy Bragg & The Blokes - All You Fascists Bound To Lose
Grand Funk - Shinin' On
Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country
John Hammond - Get Behind The Mule
Humble Pie - 30 Days In The Hole
Ben Harper - Slinding Delta
Indigo Girls - Peace Tonight
Irma Thomas - Dr. Feelgood
Donna Summer - Bad Girls
Kinks - Set Me Free
It has been 777 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...just an unusual shot of the lovely and talented Miss Audrey Hepcat at rest in relatively decent light...
In the midst of a longish post that's worth your attention in it's entirety (aren't they all?), Digby offers up a point worth emphasis, one that's too seldom made, but needs to be understood. Looking at Bush's aims in Iraq, the Hullabalooer notes that...
His hope is that Iraq can put together some vague semblance of a working government so that he can declare victory --- and stay.And stay.
It has been 776 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Reuters - U.S. and Afghan forces backed by a giant B-52 bomber, A-10 attack aircraft and helicopters killed an estimated 16 militants in southern Afghanistan in the past two days, the U.S. military said on Thursday.It's late, maybe I got that wrong.
…you were under the impression that he was anything other than a miserable wingnut hack, Political Wire piles on the last straw.
In an interview with Arizona Daily Star editors, Sen. John McCain endorsed teaching "intelligent design" in the nation's schools because "he believes 'all points of view' should be available to students studying the origins of mankind."Of course, you can almost understand why a member of the Senate Republican caucus might have doubts about the reality of human evolution...
It has been 775 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
The American Legion, which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on antiwar protestors, and the media could be next. Speaking at its national convention in Honolulu, the group's national commander called for an end to all "public protests" and "media events" against the war, constitutional protections be damned.Sorry, Commander Cadmus. That's not what I fought for. That's the kind of thing that really does demoralize our troops, at least the ones who take their oath seriously.
"The American Legion will stand against anyone and any group that would demoralize our troops, or worse, endanger their lives by encouraging terrorists to continue their cowardly attacks against freedom-loving peoples," Thomas Cadmus, national commander, told delegates at the group's national convention in Honolulu.
The delegates vowed to use whatever means necessary to "ensure the united backing of the American people to support our troops and the global war on terrorism."
Gary Hart:
In 2008 I want a leader who is willing now to say: "I made a mistake, and for my mistake I am going to Iraq and accompanying the next planeload of flag-draped coffins back to Dover Air Force Base. And I am going to ask forgiveness for my mistake from every parent who will talk to me."Now to find the nominee...
Andrew passes along the news that the King County Democratic Central Committee has affirmed the results of the Precinct Committee Officer's convention earlier this year.
It has been 774 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
"Accepting the fact of evolution does not necessarily mean discarding a personal faith in God. But accepting intelligent design means discarding science."
Verlyn Klinkenborg
...with another shift at the pub looming. (Yep, that's seven days in a row. A couple days off on the horizon, though. Whew.)
It has been 773 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.” be swiped and shared. Digby writes a good percentage of 'em.
I keep hearing that the beltway insiders have their money on George Allen to be the Republican nominee in 2008. I assume it is because he is just as stupid as George W. Bush.
…via email from that Kerry fella...
When will the President get it right in Iraq?
When will he deliver to the nation and those sacrificing so much in Iraq a concrete plan for peace and victory?
Why, at this late date, is the Pentagon still struggling to get the right supplies and body armor to America's troops?
When will the President support a military large enough to face the challenges of today's world?
And when will the President stop short-changing America's veterans? When will he stop closing hospitals, cutting benefits, and making veterans wait weeks for a doctor's appointment?
…wouldn't it be nice to hear an enthusiast for the war admit this…
..."I didn't believe we should have gone in there in the first place, and I'm still against the war," said David Howell, 24, of Pensacola. "But I respect anyone over there trying to do their job. It's not the troops' fault, it's the administration. (The troops are) a lot braver than me."
…the folks on the other front, The New York Times files from Afghanistan…
Four soldiers were killed Sunday, meaning that 13 have been killed in August alone. Sixty-five Americans have been killed this year.Roadside bomb, huh? Where have I heard that before?****
The latest four were killed when a roadside bomb hit their vehicle in the south….
It has been 772 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
The 'noble cause' is to create a new Iran in Iraq that will, we hope (without apparent good cause), be just a touch kinder and a bit gentler.
It has been 771 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
That's a given. George W. Bush simply will not appoint anyone within shouting distance of acceptable to Democrats. No Democrat should vote for him.
No one has an automatic right to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court. A nominee to the high court must first demonstrate that he has a core commitment to constitutional rights and liberties. He must show that he is in the mainstream of modern judicial thought and that he would not use an ideologically motivated interpretation of our Constitution or laws to reverse the hard-fought gains we have made to make this nation more just. Judge Roberts's early record raises serious questions about his commitment to core constitutional values, and the Senate must have the requested information to fully and faithfully execute its constitutional obligation.The DNC has initiated an FOIA request for the information as well, and is inviting citizens to join them. Over 30,000 have responded. You can sign on here.
"I think we ought to be getting some intelligent design in our policy in Iraq."A withdrawal plan would be a good start, Senator. Give Russ Feingold a call...
…that Kerry fella.
…why did Americans ever like the old battleaxe in the first place?
Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
At This Moment, Billy & The BeatersI should be listening to more Dar Williams...
A Lot Of Lovin' To Do, Nancy Wilson
Gentle On My Mind, John Hartford
This Magic Moment, The Drifters
Redemption Song, Bob Marley
Got My Mojo Working, Butterfield Blues Band
I Saw A Bird Fly Away, Dar Williams
Fascinating Rhythm, Benny Goodman
One Dime Blues, Etta Baker
Express Yourself, Charles Wright & The 103d St. Rhythm Band
It has been 770 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...I'll probably find my favorite shirt shredded or something, but she's off hiding right now, so here's another archive edition of The Adventures of the Lovely and Talented Miss Audrey Hepcat...
U.S. Senator Russ Feingold today, at a local Listening Session in Marquette, Wisconsin, proposed a target timeframe for the completion of the military mission in Iraq and suggested December 31, 2006 as the target date for the completion of the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.The gauntlet is thrown. Time for all Democrats, including (perhaps particularly) that Kerry fella, to face the question.
In June, Feingold introduced a resolution calling for the President to clarify the military mission in Iraq, lay out a plan and timeframe for accomplishing that mission, and publicly articulate a plan for subsequent troop withdrawal. Because of the Administration’s recent flurry of conflicting signals about the duration of U.S. troop deployments, Feingold said he feels obligated to help jump start that process by proposing a specific goal for bringing U.S. forces home from Iraq.
Pam spills the beans at Big Brass Blog...
The Homosexual AgendaI just knew it...
6:00 am Gym
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Hair appointment
10:00 am Shopping
12:00 PM Brunch
2:00 PM (Here's the really important part)
1) Assume complete control of the US Federal, State and local Governments as well as all other national governments
2) Recruit all straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle
3) Destroy all healthy heterosexual marriages
4) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels
5) Establish planetary chain of "homo breeding gulags" where over -medicated imprisoned straight women are turned into artificially impregnated baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for our devotedly pederastic gay leadership
6) Bulldoze all houses of worship
7) Secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media for the exclusive use of child pornographers.
2:30 PM Get Forty Winks of Beauty Rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of world conquest
4:00 PM Cocktails
6:00 PM Light Dinner
8:00 PM Theater
11:00 PM Bed
...and yes, there is scant little graphic evidence of that around here right now. A slight zig in the zag department (well, billing department if you want to get precise) with the ISP that hosts all the pretty pictures should be straightened out pretty soon.
It has been 769 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
…because it looks like Texas hates veterans, too…
A Marine trying to enroll at the University of Texas was surprised to find he was no longer a state resident -- even though he had a Texas drivers license, car registration, and bank records.I know it's been a long time since my discharge, but I think Washington still honors your home of record for resident tuition, regarless of how long you may have been posted abroad. Certainly every state should. It might be worth checking on the rules where you are, and rattling the cage of a legislooter or two if your state seems to hate vets, too...
The University says he spent too much time outside the state -- serving two tours of duty in Iraq.
That means his tuition shoots up from $500 to $2,600. (FOXNews)
It has been 768 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Goldy brings glad tidings from the new Rasmussen Report...
Sen. Maria Cantwell and Gov. Christine Gregoire are basking in the adoration of WA voters, enjoying 57 percent and 51 percent favorable ratings respectively.From our perspective, there's even a bright note in some bad numbers…
Cantwell also benefits from the fact that President Bush’s Approval Rating has dipped to 39% in the state of Washington. Just 25% believe the country is headed in the right direction.Upper Left. A haven of happiness in a bitter blogosphere.
"...the campaign for privatization provided an object lesson in how the administration sells its policies: by misrepresenting its goals, lying about the facts and abusing its control of government agencies."
The MyDD '08 straw poll is getting a bit unwieldy, tracking 14 possibles (last time I checked, Wes Clark was running away with it). Of course, some aren't running, and some won't run, but there do seem to be a lot of names in play, and I'm trying to keep an open mind this far out. The straw poll selections...
Evan BayhMaybe it's time to cull the crop a bit. How's this for starters…
Joe Biden
Barbara Boxer
Wesley Clark
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards
Russ Feingold
Al Gore
John Kerry
Bill Richardson
Ed Rendell
Brian Schweitzer
Tom Vilsack
Mark Warner
Richardson asked to meet with Chris Simcox, the president of the volunteer vigilante group the Minutemen.Yep. These Minutemen.
It has been 767 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
An Upper Left Endorsement
"The army's wheels are going to come off in the next 24 months. We are now in a period of considerable strategic peril. It's because [Pentagon chief Donald] Rumsfeld has dug in his heels and said, 'I cannot retreat from my position.'"...leading to the related good question. Why is this man still working?
General Barry McCaffrey, US Army (Retired)
It has been 766 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
It has been 765 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
"Americans do not want to privatize social security. They're too smart to turn social security over to the people who ran Enron."
DNC Chairman Howard Dean
the WaPo tells the tale...
"What we expected to achieve was never realistic given the timetable or what unfolded on the ground," said a senior official involved in policy since the 2003 invasion. "We are in a process of absorbing the factors of the situation we're in and shedding the unreality that dominated at the beginning."
It's Saturday. Time is tight.
"Congress saw the same intelligence I had, and they looked at exactly what I looked at, and they made an informed judgment based upon the information that I had."
George Bush, Meet The Press
Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush issued an order to the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the State Department, and his cabinet members that severely curtailed intelligence oversight by restricting classified information to just eight members of Congress.
Raw Story
I'm hoping to be back to get in a couple more licks today, but just in case, don't forget…
It has been 764 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...but I almost cheated so I could slip the Dave Clark 5's 'Having A Wild Weekend' in there somehow. Can't find the song, though. Maybe it was just the name of the movie. Anyway, it's definitely what I've got in store, with two full shifts at the pub, the wedding of a best friend and the annual picnic of the veteran's group I'm the current Commander of on the agenda, plus, of course, a whole buncha stuff I want to blog about. And oh, yeah. Eating, sleeping and lavishing affection on the Brilliant and Beautiful Bride of Upper Left.
1. Johnny Cash Ballad Of Ira Hayes
2. Barbara Mason Yes, I'm Ready
3. Ian Drury & The Blockheads Blockheads
4. Jimmy Buffett Son Of A Son Of A Sailor
5. The Hollies On A Carousel
6. King Pleasure Swan Blues
7. Donovan Stealing
8. Keb Mo Every Morning
9. Canned Heat On The Road Again
10. JJ Cale After Midnight
It has been 763 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of roadside bomb attacks by insurgents against U.S. military supply convoys in Iraq has doubled in the past year, the general in charge of logistics for American military forces in Iraq said on Friday.Apparently somebody cut the French guy out of the 'last throes' loop, but Brig. Gen. Yves Fontaine, US Army, does have some better news about the transportation units under his command.
"Because we've up-armored our vehicles, the casualties have decreased significantly, even though the IED attacks have increased significantly. So now our soldiers are safe in their Humvees and their trucks, and they walk out of the incidents when the incident occurs."Of course, Gen. Fontaine knows that armor works when you use it, if you have it, but tell it to the Marines. Maybe someday Rummy will set the standard for the rigs that move troops as high as he's got it for equipment convoys now...
…the easy way out is to swipe something from Terry Turner, whose Watching Washington is an endless source of bloggity goodness. For instance…
"Part of my duty as the President is to meet with those who've lost a loved one (in war)." --President Bush, August 11, 2005
The White House says President Bush has personally met with family members of about 200 troops killed in the Iraq War. The total number of those killed in the war stands at 1,840 as of today. President Bush has yet to attend any funerals of any of the fallen. (White House)
....just another thing that Kerry fella turns out to have been right about.
Karl Rove, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Condoleezza Rice, Stephen Hadley, Andrew Card, Alberto Gonzales, Mary Matalin, Ari Fleischer, Susan Ralston, Israel Hernandez, John Hannah, Scott McClellan, Dan Bartlett, Claire Buchan, Catherine Martin, Colin Powell, Karen Hughes, Adam Levine, Bob Joseph, Vice President Dick Cheney, President George W. BushLook it up.
…in response to the latest comment from wingnut pal 'o Upper Left, the Analog Kid (we're still pals, right Kid? I mean, despite my dearth of intellectual honesty and credibility and all?). It got a bit long for comments, and carries a couple thoughts that I think merit wider attention than comments sometimes get…
OK, Kid. Credit where it's due. You did make some effort to, well, if not moderate, at least disguise your vitriol. I get that Cindy Sheehan has proven to be a major embarassment for your side, and that's got to piss you off.
I'm not particularly fond of gratuitous references to National Socialism myself, but it's a cancer that's invaded the discourse of both camps these days, I suppose, to the benefit of neither.
(I'm in awe of your ability to listen to Mike Webb, twice in a week at that. The guy drives me nuts.)
Just as volume doesn't make an argument more persuasive, the use of all caps doesn't make an assertion factual.
I don't have much to say about most of your assertions because I frankly don't much care. I don't know, nor do you, what her motives are. I suspect they are complex, and to some degree in flux.
I haven't seen her bed down for the night myself, so I don't really know much about her living conditions except some second hand reports. I suspect the same is largely true of you. Fact is, for every bit of documentation you can produce that 'proves' that she beds down in satin pillows and is carted from place to place in a padded sedan chair held aloft by a sextet of well oiled body builders, I'll find one that reports that she sleeps in a hair shirt on a bed of nails and crawls prostrate on sharp crushed rocks laid out in a path to her every destination.
It doesn't matter. I care not a whit about her lifestyle, at or away from Crawford. Her motives seem pretty straightforward. She wants to confront Bush about the justifications for the war that took her son's life, and she wants that war to end. It's a good thing that I'm not her tactical advisor, because I never would have imagined she would get the mileage out of her vigil that she's gotten.
Cindy Sheehan's son was killed in a war. She says wants to talk to the Commander in Chief about it. I suspect that if she gets her wish, she'll find the experience singularly unsatisfying. I think she knows that.
He would doubtless find the experience uncomfortable at best, and potentially humiliating. He is not a man noted for grace in such circumstances, after all, and the no conversation with a parent about the death of a child can be comfortable, except perhaps for genuine sociopaths.
All he had to do is talk to her, though, and this story would have blown away with the next news cycle. It's too late for that, now. Until a few days ago, Sheehan had been a fairly minor figure in a diffuse, generally ineffective, anti-war movement. Now she's a central focus in a movement that's growing growing around her exponentially, organically, almost accidentally because of the simple power of one woman's witness.
One thing seems sure. Karl's mojo is gone. Time to dump him...
It has been 762 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
If you wonder why I call the leadership cabal in the GOP 'destructionists,' Digby sums it up nicely. Well, maybe not exactly 'nicely'...
The Republicans...are building an impermeable, corrupt political machine made up of cronies, employees and hangers-on the likes of which we haven't seen since the 19th century. They are court-packing, gerrymandering, impeaching and recalling --- not to mention electronically stuffing ballot boxes and throwing disputed elections to their handpicked Supreme Court judges. They control the DC lobbying process and own a rather large piece of the media landscape. They are not building their "permanent majority" through a civil, democratic process.Not beanbag, folks...
…fair is fair, and this isn't…
First, the DCCC screwed up the format of the call so that it was one directional. The blogosphere by nature is a fan of communicating-with instead of talking-at. Then Congressman Emanuel actually went out of his way to blab about the one-directional nature being a good thing and then talked about wanting more of it.I know the truth is pretty mundane, and doesn't serve Bob Brigham's vendetta against the DCCC. I wish he'd let it go. His efforts to paint the institutions of the Party itself as the enemy of the institution of the Party itself is a bit of latent Deanerism (a political philosophy that has about as much to do with the actual Howard Dean as 'Christianity' has to do with the actual Jesus of Nazareth) that serves all Democrats poorly.
...and you are my pals, at least some of you, at least if you want to be.
It has been 761 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
…(and trying to decipher my notes) after a conference call with Rep. Rahm Emanuel, chairman of the DCCC, and a batch of bloggers. As I told the Congressman, it was the kind of expression of respect for the blogosphere that I've found typical of the DCCC since I started this thing up almost two years ago now.
…over the cliff. The latest example of Condi's "quiet political progress"...
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 9 - Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal building during a blinding dust storm on Monday, deposed the city's mayor and installed a member of Iraq's most powerful Shiite militia.Taking hundreds of US fatalities in pitched battles with the Mahdi Army last spring seems to have worked out typically awful for Bushco™.
The deposed mayor, Alaa al-Tamimi, who was not in his offices at the time, recounted the events in a telephone interview on Tuesday and called the move a municipal coup d'état. He added that he had gone into hiding for fear of his life.
"This is the new Iraq," said Mr. Tamimi, a secular engineer with no party affiliation. "They use force to achieve their goal."
We write to respectfully urge you to meet with Cindy Sheehan and other relatives of fallen soldiers who request a meeting to discuss their deep concerns about the war in Iraq. We also request that you help ensure that Ms. Sheehan and her colleagues are not arrested as long as they continue to wait for a meeting with you at their location in the peaceable and legal manner that they have maintained thus far.Yep, that's my own personal Congresscritter in there. Sic 'em, Jim!
Since the loss of her son, Ms. Sheehan and other families have been committed to helping family members of other soldiers who have been lost in Iraq. Ms. Sheehan, in fact, founded Gold Star Families for Peace, a support organization for families of fallen soldiers. For several days now, she has been waiting outside your ranch, hoping to meet with you about the loss of her son and the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Ms. Sheehan has indicated that she is planning to continue her vigil for the entirety of your vacation at your Crawford complex if necessary.
Given the recent tragic loss of American lives in Iraq, and the many deaths and injuries American troops have sustained since the beginning of the war, we hope that you can appreciate why the family members believe it so important that they exercise their rights as citizens to petition their government. We believe it would send an unfortunate message to other relatives and soldiers if grieving parents were arrested while exercising their constitutional rights.
Thank you very much for you assistance with this matter. We hope that you will be able to make time to meet with Ms. Sheehan and her colleagues and also ensure they are treated fairly while awaiting this important appointment.
Reps. John Conyers; George Miller; Maxine Waters; Corrine Brown; Dennis Kucinich; Carolyn Maloney; Jim McDermott; Jim McGovern; Barbara Lee; Zoe Lofgren; Peter Oberstar; John Lewis; Bernie Sanders; Bob Filner; Micheal Honda; Raul Grijalva
It has been 760 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
…from Ezra.
What does it say that every time Dobson opens his mouth, I begin to blaspheme?I don't know the answer, but it happens to me, too.
…from Kevin at Lean Left, who reports that Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan's vigil in Crawford will result in arrest on Thursday, apparently in hope of shielding the eyes of Condi and a variety of fat cats who will soon be assembling from the face of the war's human cost at home.
The Bushies have allowed one women to derail the press coverage of Bush’s vacation and put the focus squarely on the quagmire in Iraq.Which is a perfectly fine place for the focus to be...
It has been 759 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
Just in case there's a straggler or two who doesn't read Juan Cole every day…
"They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore."
…some thoughts on the saga of Bunnatine "Bunny" Greenhouse, the Corps of Engineers Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting (PARC) charged with overseeing contracts related to provisions for our troops in Iraq and for the Iraqi reconstruction.
She has asked many questions: Why is Halliburton - a giant Texas firm that holds more than 50 percent of all rebuilding efforts in Iraq - getting billions in contracts without competitive bidding? Do the durations of those contracts make sense? Have there been violations of federal laws regulating how the government can spend its money?Umm, isn't that her job? Isn't that the whole point of Federal Acquisition Requirement 3.101, which dictates that "Government business shall be conducted in a manner above reproach ... with complete impartiality and with preferential treatment for none," is all about?
"I took an oath of office. I took those words that I was going to protect the interests of my government and my country. So help me God," she says. "And nobody. Has the right. To take away my privilege. To serve my government. Nobody."Her hustband, Aloyisus... what is happening to her and tries to bite his lip. "Bunny has a lot of faith. She really believes that someone will stand up and say, 'This is wrong.' But I don't think a person exists like that in the Department of Defense."Not a single person? Who's running that place?
What Bunny is caught up in is politics of the highest damn orde. This is real hardball they're playing here. Bunny is a procurement officer, she's not a politician. She's not trained to do this.
...for a bit, but here's an outrage to tide you over until my return. Read and get mad, we'll talk about it later...
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the insurgency in Iraq is losing steam as a political force, even as Democratic congressmen warned Sunday that violence jeopardizes plans for withdrawing some troops.Ignore those bombs and stuff. Karl says the numbers look good, and we own the voting machines.
It has been 758 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...from an interesting source.
President Bush said we will complete 'the job.' The question remains this week what 'the job' is.
George Will on ABC's This Week
It has been 757 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...or just out of their minds?
Reichert said even if the gas tax repeal was approved, he would be “shocked” if the state couldn’t come up with the matching funds needed.Car wash. Uh huh. Then we can solve that damn Social Security shortfall with a lemonade stand. Maybe cover the cost of Bush's war…err…struggle…no, war…whatever…with a nice 3 family garage sale.
“They will find the money,” he said. “They won’t let $220 million slip through their fingers. They could hold a car wash.”
What was that George W. Bush was saying about this term being the one in which he cements his place in the history books?
Americans' approval of President Bush's handling of Iraq is at its lowest level yet, according to an AP-Ipsos poll that also suggests fewer than half now think he is honest.
A solid majority still see Bush as a strong and likable leader...
...though the poll indicates the president's confidence is seen as arrogance by a growing number.
The drop in the number of people who see Bush as honest was largest among middle-aged Americans as well as suburban women, a key voting group in the 2004 election. A further erosion of trust could make it tougher for Bush to win support for his policies in Congress and internationally.
...the latest playlist at Upper Left World Headquarters.
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message
Jerry Jeff Walker - One Too Many Mornings
Carrie Newcomer - Betty's Diner
David Johansen - Ma Mule
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Jimmy Buffett - A Pirate Looks At Forty
Linda Rondstadt - Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Louis Armstrong - On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Kris Kristofferson - Help Me Make It Through The Night
Jerry Butler - Only The Strong Survive
…with the Preznit's apparently faulty memory...
President Bush lamented the deaths of 14 Marines in Iraq Wednesday, calling the deadly attack a "grim reminder" America is still at war.Of course, he's been real busy lately...
“The president departed Tuesday for his longest stretch yet away from the White House, arriving at his Crawford ranch in the evening to clear brush, visit with family and friends, and tend to some outside-the-Beltway politics. By historical standards, it is the longest presidential retreat in at least 36 years.”…and after all, it's only our military that's actually 'at war,' and he just hates those guys. Still, next time the war slips his mind, all he has to do is check in with one of the 1828 families (so far) who've been 'grimly reminded'...
It has been 756 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
...especially if you're wearing a black fur coat, so the lovely and talented Miss Audrey Hepcat heads for any available shade...
For decades, Bob Novak has been one of America's worst citizens, a man who capped a career based on a foundation of lies, slander and scandal with the public exposure of the classified identity of a CIA operative. Given that, all this brouhaha over him saying "bullshit" on live TV is just, well, bullshit.
It has been 755 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”Rove. Treason. Betrayal.
…but it's my rationalization, so it makes perfect sense to me. Anyway, I'm pretty much resolved to swallow the CAFTA votes of Senators Cantwell and Murray and Rep. Dicks as symptoms of their parochial interest in preserving port jobs and associated economic development in the upper left.
To put this in perspective, the area protected by the 147th Fighter Wing is as big as continental Europe. Notably, the USAF has 147 fighter aircraft in Europe. So as is, we only have 10% of the fighters that we have for an equal area in Europe. And if the BRAC Commission recommendations are followed, the number of fighter aircraft used to protect the Pacific Northwest will be about 1.5% of what we have to protect Europe.…and then exploring some apparent irregularities in the BRAC process, including a shocking failure to calculate homeland security needs in the closure equation. The CoolAqua conclusion?
FBI Special Agent Robert Jordan testified about how target rich the Pacific Northwest is. The Trojan Nuclear Power plant still has over 800 fuel rods still installed. Hanford Nuclear Reservation has 9 nuclear reactors, high grade plutonium, and countless thousands of gallons of highly radioactive materials. Smaller reactors are also found in more chimercial settings of other areas of the Northwest. In addition to nuclear materials, the Northwest is also a repository of a large number of chemical weapons. And biological facilities with lethal strains of biological materials abound. There are 48 large dams alone in Oregon, and chemical facilities are plentiful. Headquarters of Microsoft, and production facilities of Boeing are located in Washington; industries critical to maintaining a balance of trade; likewise, Oregon's "Silicon Forest" also contains a large number of important high tech facilities.
Putting this all together, I can't help but recognize the real possibility that the Bush Administration is attempting to extort NW politicians to fall into line and support his policies. The BRAC Plan militarily is an invitation to our enemies to attack us here in the Northwest. And financially, this plan is only "pork" to southern states at a substantial cost increase to the US Taxpayer.There's a part of me that wants to think that even Bushco™ wouldn't sink to deliberately placing millions of American lives (including, for instance, mine) at deliberate risk just to, say, secure a "bi-partisan" vote on a trade agreement.
…I've put this blog at the service of the DCCC on a pretty regular basis. There are a number of reasons for that, but without doubt, one of the main ones is that they make it so easy. When it comes to outreach to the liberal blogosphere, the DCCC is head and shoulders above the pack in terms of Democratic Party organizations. Starting with The Stakeholder, always my pick for the best damn institutional blog on the web, and going all the way to DCCC Chair Rep. Rahm Emmanuel, the DCCC is a valuable source of tools and tips for liberal bloggers, and has built a relationship with many national and regional blogs on a basis of mutual trust.
"Resources are not infinite. That is why MyDD, the Daily Kos, and the larger blogosphere are so important. You are critical in the effort to expand the playing field well above and beyond the 30 or 40 districts typically in play."The whole thing is a must-read for activists in the fight for a new majority in the House of Representatives.
…there weren't enough reasons to declare his candidacy DOA, there's this one...
"When asked about his potential competitors, Biden said he would like nothing better than to see his Senate colleague John McCain of Arizona get into the 2008 race, either as his Republican opponent or -- even better -- his running mate."Some will remember the furor over rumors, denied by both camps, that that Kerry fella had discussed the Veep role with McCain, who was a personal friend. That was before McCain debased himself by publicly demonstrating his submission to the Alpha-R, during the '04 campaign and subsequently.
It has been 754 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
…and sometimes, politics. Charlie Cook, via Kos...
...A Schmidt win of less than five points should be a very serious warning sign for Ohio Republicans that something is very, very wrong……and, of course, a star is born. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Major Hackett.
...this week, so I'll be away for a bit. So, tell me what's going on while I'm gone...
US HOUSE Ohio 2nd Dist
753 precincts of 753 reporting
JEAN SCHMIDT 57,974 52%
PAUL HACKETT 54,401 48%
Election Results
Last Updated: 8/02/2005 10:05pm
US HOUSE Ohio 2nd Dist
662 precincts of 753 reporting
JEAN SCHMIDT 49,681 50%
PAUL HACKETT 48,811 50%
It has been 753 days since Karl Rove violated his obligations under Standard Form 312 without the White House taking “corrective action.”
According to sources in Washington and Florida, the Republican establishment is not thrilled with the Republican congresswoman's recent announcement that she is strongly considering a run for U.S Senate in 2006. In fact, GOP leaders are actively courting another Florida Republican to run against Harris in next summer's primary.
The resistance from the establishment is based on their perception, and that's based on public and private polling that she would have a very, very hard time winning," said Stu Rothenberg of the Washington D.C-based campaign tracker, the Rothenberg Political Report.
Florida Rep. Katherine Harris thinks she is that candidate, but Mr. Rove, Mrs. Dole and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush do not agree. They think she remains a lightning rod because of her role as secretary of state in charge of the bitter ballot recount in the 2000 presidential election George W. Bush won by the skin of his teeth. And they have a thick sheaf of polling data showing, while popular among Republicans, Mrs. Harris is still hated by Democrats and many swing voters, who would turn out in droves to defeat her.