Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The wrong war, the wrong way...

...and we know who's really to blame. A little job review for the "war President."
In Iraq, the list of places from which American soldiers have either withdrawn or decided to visit only rarely is growing: Falluja, where a Taliban-like regime has imposed a rigid theocracy; Ramadi, where the Sunni insurgents appear to have the run of the city; and the holy Shiite cities of Karbala and Najaf to the south...
Add Samara to the list, with Sadr City and who knows where else pending. While George Bush continues to tout Iraq as a new haven of democracy, conditions on the ground hardly match that description.
Most significant of all, the withdrawal from these cities calls into question the practicality of nationwide elections scheduled to take place before the end of January. At the moment, the Americans appear to be prepared to hold elections without cities like Falluja and Ramadi. But excluding the largely Sunni Arab areas from the elections would raise serious doubts about their legitimacy.
And who's running the show? As much as Bushco would like you to believe that the problems are with some isolated Islamic radicals and a handful of imported terrorists Knight Ridder's Hanna Allam reports that our intitial "victory" in Iraq was somewhat less complete than the administration claims.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (KRT) - By day, Iraqis loyal to Saddam's Hussein's much-feared Baath Party recite their oath in clandestine meetings, solicit donations from former members and talk politics over sugary tea at a Baghdad cafe known as simply "The Party."

By night, cells of these same men stage attacks on American and Iraqi forces, host soirees for Saddam's birthday and other former regime holidays, and debrief informants still dressed in suits and ties from their jobs in the new, U.S.-backed Iraqi government.

Even with Saddam under lock and key, the Baath Party is back in business
Meanwhile, the 20 US fatalities in the first week of September bring the total reported death count to 998. Given the turmoil of the last few days, it may pass the 1000 mark by the time you see this.

We're losing lives. We're losing battles. We're losing ground, literally and figuratively.

It's the wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place, fought the wrong way for the wrong reasons.

And it's Bush's war. He wanted it, he started it, he's in charge of it. He's the Commander in Chief.

So, if you screwed your job up as bad as he's screwed his job up, wouldn't you get fired?


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