Saturday, September 04, 2004

Wanna be a liberal do-gooder?

A message from Steve at I Like To Write:
I have never done this before, but I am trying to raise a few bucks for America Coming Together, which is a GOTV organization for Swing States. This is the first of many projects I am doing over the next 58 days. This is one I will be working on until Sunday at midnight. I am asking anyone who links to me to contribute five or ten bucks , or if you can’t, to spread the word on your blog about what we are trying to do (or both). What my wife and I did was contribute 10 dollars to them last night and we asked our handful of readers to chip in 5 or 10 here or there. We have been able to raise 365 bucks in less than two days. I know that’s a small amount, but it is more than 35 times what we started out with.
OK, I'm in for ten. Pop over to ILTW and check out what Steve's up to, and if the spirit moves you, toss a few bucks at ACT.

Good people, good cause, good idea.

Good going, Steve!


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