Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Shrill? Me?


Shrill me.

I'm still not clear on what the secret blogging handshake that gets you into the Ancient and Hermetic Order of the Shrill might be. I was kind of hoping this would qualify.

Oliver Willis thinks this might. But it sounds so reasonable to me...

No, Cheney, stand by your damn words. People like you, you hate this country. You hate what we stand for, and you'll do anything possible to get around the American people. You're the worst sort of slanderer, because you're a coward. You sit in Washington, in your secure and undisclosed location, sending our soldiers off to die, enriching the pockets of your buckraking pals at Halliburton who fleece us, making up crazy theories to justify your misdeeds, and now you allege that the current leadership of the Democratic party is one with terror? You have no shame, no soul, no humanity.

May you rot. May your hollow husk of a being shrivel up and be discarded in the dustbin of history, along with all of humanity's mistakes and missteps. You've got no right. No God damn right.
See? Is that shrill or sensible? How can we tell what makes the cut anymore? Can any response to Dick Cheney or the Buscho war be considered shrill at this point? Is there really a top to go over these days?

Anyway, check in at ShrillBlog and see if Oliver or I made the cut. Even if we fell short this time, there's lots of dandy stuff there.


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