Friday, May 14, 2004

Seems like a long time...

...since I've had much to say about endorsements. Since Kerry wrapped up the nomination, there really hasn't been all that much to say. All the people you'd expect to endorse have been making all the endorsements you'd expect. Most of the action has involved traditionally backers of Democrats (can you spell AFSCME? I knew SEIU could...) scrambling to get right with the winner.

Recent days have brought some more intriguing results on the endorsement front, though. First, it was the NRA taking a pass on the incumbent. They haven't ruled out a future endorsement, but they've conditioned it on killing the assault weapons ban. Now, I'm a pretty strong 2nd Amendment Democrat, myself, and not a particular fan of the assault weapons ban, but as gun control legislation goes, it's a pretty popular law. It's particularly popular among some otherwise Republican friendly suburban women - the fabled 'soccer mom' vote. A pro-choice position on automatic weapons balanced with an anti-choice position on reproduction could pack the polling place parking lots with SUV's bearing Kerry stickers.

Besides, renewal of the ban was a Bush campaign pledge. Whattaya think he is, some kinda flip-flopper?

But given that has already lined up with Libertarian candidate Aaron Russo, the loss of an NRA endorsement, even if no one else picked it up, would be a pretty heavy blow to Bush. Threre really doesn't seem to be a winning play for him in the gun control arena.

Now there's word that the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, who backed Bush 2000, has changed course and given the nod to John Kerry. First responder endorsements, from the IAFF and police unions, are always good, and never better than in the post 9/11 environment. It's almost impossible to overstate how instrumental the Firefighters were in Kerry's primary victories, and the IBPO has the potential to be similarly important going forward to the general election.

Let's see, war hero. Tough prosecutor. Cops and firefighters support him.

Sorry, Karl. He's from Massacheusetts, but you can't pull a Mike Dukakis on this guy.


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