Sunday, May 16, 2004

Is the party over?

The Toronto Star's Antonia Zerbisias takes note of the apparent malaise, if not demise, of the 'warbloggers. Whether she's right or wrong about that may be subject to a debate the wingnuts in question may be happy to have, but it's hard to argue with this...
"...the war party is over. There is nothing to celebrate any more. (Not that there ever was.) President George W. Bush's folly is a bloody, costly, tragic, world-dividing disaster that has led to more acts of terrorism by more groups."

There's still ground for a legitimate debate on where we go next with the debacle in Iraq. I'm in the 'we're obliged to clean up our mess camp' right now, but the 'get the hell out' arguments are becoming more compelling all the time.

There's just no legitimacy remaining for the 'this was a great idea' crowd. All they're left with is blaming the war critics for being right all along.


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