Friday, May 14, 2004

Does this sound like some other war to you?

Juan Cole observes that "The Americans will be left with a handful of ambitious collaborators at the top, but the masses won't be with them."

I think we've taken this trip before. Nathan Newman thinks so, too.

We can slog along now in Iraq, but it now stinks of lies and shame. We won't be able to collectively think of Iraq without seeing those images of hooded prisoners and smirking soldiers. Which means we won't want to think about it a lot. Kind of like Vietnam.

Bush ReLost Vietnam. The American people can forgive many things, but making us ashamed of ourselves-- that they won't forgive.

Is that the wrong message to send our troops? Well, no. The truth isn't a matter of right or wrong. The truth is just what is.

The right message to send our troops is the order to stand down and make room for an international replacement force.


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