Sunday, January 18, 2004

The latest numbers from New Hampshire...

...bring more good news for the Kerry Camp. ARG's new report from the three day rolling poll:

Dean 28
Clark 20
Kerry 19

with everyone else in single digits - a fate that Kerry seemed to be facing just a week ago, before his nine point climb. No one can feel very confident at this point, though, because ARG finds that 45% of the electorate is still either undecided or potentially fluid.

Of course, if people do make a change, it will probably be to someone they like, which makes these figures an interesting point for analysis:

"Of the 28% of likely Democratic primary voters saying they will vote for Dean, 67% have a favorable opinion of Clark and 76% have a favorable opinion of Kerry.

Of the 20% of likely Democratic primary voters saying they will vote for Clark, 54% have a favorable opinion of Dean and 69% have a favorable opinion of Kerry.

Of the 19% of likely Democratic primary voters saying they will vote for Kerry, 58% have a favorable opinion of Clark and 42% have a favorable opinion of Dean."

Watch for Mad Howard on the road trying to chip away at those high favorables for Clark and Kerry. Should work out at least as well as it has in Iowa...


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